C.F. Koehnen & Sons, Inc.
Glenn, California
C. F. Koehnen & Sons, a farming and beekeeping business located in Northern California in the town of Ord Bend, has provided queen bees all over the world since 1907. We were asked to develop a new eCommerce website for the business. The objective of the project was to provide an online option for customers to order queen bees during the spring. The structuring of the website provided a unique challenge, as the queen product varieties are live insects, requiring fulfillment through overnight shipping only to arrive safely. In addition, the business offers quantity discounts where multiple third-party plug-ins were employed to offer the greatest value to the customer and satisfy the operational requirements of the business.
Photography and video assets were captured during the spring season one year prior to launching the website. These included recording the elements of their operations in the field: baby nucs, shaking, and caging. As a result of the media capture, assets were placed onto the website to clearly communicate the business’ offering. A 30-second highlight video and two instructional queen bee installation videos were produced to educate customers about their products. Koehnen & Sons puts forth a commitment to their dedication to ethical and sustainable beekeeping practices. Our work serves as a powerful introduction to Koehnen & Son’s, Inc. mission and their role in promoting ethical and sustainable beekeeping practices that contribute to the resilience of bee populations worldwide.